Wednesday 25 September 2019

Catch It!

On a hot day in the sahara desert there lived some cute meerkats. They slept in a hole for the night. They woke up on a fine morning in their hole. One meerkat popped his head out of the hole and saw a fruit hanging on one of the trees. They left it there to grow a little bit more until they saw a vultures shadow. The meerkats got shocked when they saw the shadow, they stopped until when they looked back the vulture took the fruit. The meerkats were jealous so one meerkat said ATTACK! They ran and chased the vulture to get back the fruit. One of them jumped up on a vultures leg but then he had no more grip so the rest of the meerkats made a ladder.  The big bird flew high up in the sky. The meerkats and the vulture flew past the trees and past the big rocks until the meerkats let go. The vulture laughed his lungs of until when he looked on his other leg where the fruit was it was gone!. The fruit was flying down with the meerkats. The meerkat holding the fruit was pushed by the vulture. The meerkats started working in a team to keep the fruit away. The vulture went right in the middle until the fruit fell. The vulture went down and caught it but he went straight into a wall.  The meerkats caught it and dropped kicked it as high as possible until it smacked right on the ground. And they stand there for a while.
Image result for catch it

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