Sunday 17 May 2020

Creative writting

 one sunny day in the afternoon an glowing thing  came down to earth.It was unusual and odd cause only meteors or shooting stars come down to earth at night.I couldn't get a good view of the glowing thing but when it came down it was actually a rocket ship.And then mysterious fog came rushing down to the ground then a small figure came out of the space ship.It was actually it was an alien what!.I was so creeped cause the alien was so strange and weird.Then later we sort thing out at my house and then we were okay now.Until then people was so happy now cause he is a good alien.It was so exciting seeing me and my friend alien getting together IT WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING.Then later at school I had to make a alien .One that can really move so I just bring my friend  alien to the school.It was so fantastic.Until people started being bizarre about it.They heard it can break planet earth.They were so unsettling and metallic about the alien so they spied on him.I woke up at 6.00 and I saw that the alien was gone He found them but he was to late cause they launched him to the moon in his rocket ship.I was so sad but when I looked at it for the last time it was still gleaming and also futuristic.To be continued.

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